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CAPITOL REPORT NTD Newsroom Nov 19, 2021 Three Virginia residents fled persecution in communist China. Their stories help to shed light on the brutal persecution against the spiritual disciple Falun Dafa, so much so that many counties and cities throughout the state of Virginia passed legislation condemning the CCP’s forced live organ harvesting against Falun Dafa practitioners.

BY NICOLE HAO August 10, 2020 Updated: August 10, 2020

Forty-nine Virginia state lawmakers recently drafted a letter to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, urging him to raise awareness about the plight of persecuted faith group Falun Gong in China.

This July marked 21 years of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)’s suppression of Falun Gong, a spiritual practice with meditative exercises and moral teachings based on truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance.

In this Mental Health Awareness Month, I hope to help support our health providers and share how I found some stress relief myself.

By Anne Yang, Neighbor
May 28, 2020 12:44 am ET

On Apr 26, Dr. Lorna Breen, originally from Virginia and a top ER doctor working in a New York hospital treating COVID-19 patients, committed suicide. She was suffering from work related stress. Dr. Breen had also contracted COVID-19. After Breen's death, her sister set up a website to raise awareness and support medical providers. Breen's sister told NBC, "I know my sister felt like she …couldn't stop working. And she certainly couldn't tell anybody she was struggling. And that needs to be a conversation that changes. People need to be able to say they're suffering and to take a break."

October 31, 2019

Sam Pickett

UVA: First Human Rights Week a Success - Falun Dafa Association of Washington D.C. ­ In her video message to the UVA Law community, Dean Goluboff introduced the school’s first ever Human Rights Week as a “great opportunity to learn about our program and also hear about cutting edge issues in human rights law.” And that it was. Over the course of last week, the Human Rights Program, led by the dynamic trio of Alex Karahalios ’21, Kunchok Dolma ’21, and Rachel Davidson Raycraft ’20, presented events on three pressing issues from around the globe: organ harvesting in China, hardships for minorities in India under Prime Minister Modi, and the impact of the United States’s “War on Drugs.”

August 02, 2019 | By Xia Yanchu

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors in Virginia passed a motion on July 16, 2019, to alert local residents about traveling to China for organ transplant surgeries. Board members put forward the motion because Falun Gong practitioners and other prisoners of conscience in China have become victims of forced organ harvesting, and the board felt that local Fairfax residents and local medical staff needed to become aware of that.

The motion was initiated by chairwoman Sharon Bulova along with board members John Cook, John Foust, and Pat Herrity. It was then passed unanimously by all members of the board.


History finds itself in repetition. Two thousand years ago, the Roman tyrant Nero set a fire in his imperial capital, attempting to pass blame on the Christians and eradicate their faith. Twenty centuries later, on July 20 of 1999, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leader Jiang Zemin launched a persecution of Falun Gong and its tens of millions of adherents. A wave of terror engulfed the entire country.