The Virginian-Pilot: Organ harvesting
The Virginian-Pilot | Sep 01, 2020 at 6:00 PM
In July, more than 40 members of the Virginia General Assembly wrote a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo regarding religious persecution in China. The letter urges action and public education about state-sponsored organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience.
I’d like to applaud Virginia Beach Republican state legislators who co-signed the letter — state Sen. Jennifer A. Kiggans, Del. Robert S. Bloxom Jr. and Del. Jason Miyares — for speaking up for human rights.
The letter, penned by state Del. David Bulova, D-Fairfax, and supported by signatories from both sides of the aisle, gives voice to torture victims now residing in Virginia as a result of the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of the Falun Gong meditation and spiritual practice. One person had been handcuffed and hung in extremely painful positions, subjected to electric shock and “violently force-fed.”
This is not the first time Virginia spoke up. Last July the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors unanimously passed a motion to inform local residents about transplant abuse in China, allowing patients to make more informed decisions before traveling abroad to get a transplant. Democratic U.S. Sens. Tim Kaine and Mark Warner are two of more than 30 co-sponsors of U.S. Senate Res. 274, which condemns the practice of “non-consenting organ harvesting.”
The actions of Virginia officials are commendable. Holding the Chinese Communist Party accountable for organ harvesting is not only the right thing to do, it safeguards public health.
Shawn Xiao, Virginia Beach